Thursday, September 8, 2011

sss '11 Day 8, Preppy Punk

I've spent the morning at Al's Prep classroom again, so opted for this straight seemingly conservative striped skirt that I have made.  On closer inspection though you will see that it is a fab zip print.  I love this print by Henry Alexander ( I think).  I cannot, no matter my intention, pass by a novelty print.  Have you noticed my necklace?  One of the best presents I have received ever!  Sarah Jessica wore the same pendant in Sex and the City.  There you have SSS '11, day 8.
Oh, and here is a sneak peak at Alby's room that I have been painting with horizontal stripes and volcanoes.

1 comment:

  1. How do you get the time to paint the room AND volcanos! I'm impressed! They look really good ... hope my son doesn't see it! Oh and I like your skirt too!
