Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pool Party and Portraits

I am such a busy mummy lately, I have documented all this fabulous stuff and have had no time to blog it.  I'll start with a splash of pretty pink.
Stella had some swimming lessons through school and had to wear a swimming cap to stop the spread of lice eggs.  Those latex caps are horrible to wear at the best of times, but impossible for a six year old to put on herself.  Mummy pulled out a cap pattern, omitted the brim, added some ruffles and a button and wa la,Stella was the spunkiest gal in the pool, oh la 50's style and didn't shy away from the attention either.

This term's student free day, I decided to paint with the kiddies and Stella has blown me away with how good a little artist she is becoming.  The kids, 96 year old Nanny Great is visiting us in Australia, from England and this is who Stella decided to paint, and this is the end result, photographed with the subject.  Way too cute.  Nan is leaving tomorrow and we will miss her alot, but what a great photo to put on the wall.


  1. That Granny picture is the most wonderful thing!
    I can't wait for my grandbabies to get big enough to draw me!
    Thanks for sharing,

  2. how cute is that swimming cap! I would have died for something like that when I was younger. I love the fun bright color.
